Ozymandias' quote

This was taken from the Medievia god's mailing list, around mid-August 2000.

Following is the current list of structs converted to classes. The list is also in change.lst in the src directory. Eventual goal is to have no structs left.


struct char_data is now CChar and CCharPtr
struct obj_data is now CObj and CObjPtr
struct room_data is now CRoom and CRoomPtr
struct zone_data is now CZone and CZonePtr
struct room_direction_data is now CExit and CExitPtr
struct affected_type is now CCharAffect and CCharAffectPtr
struct obj_affected_type is now CObjAffect and CObjAffectPtr
struct room_affect is now CRoomAffect and CRoomAffectPtr
struct descriptor_data is now CDescriptor and CDescriptorPtr
struct EARTHQUAKE is now CEarthquake and CEarthquakePtr
struct HISTORY is now CHistory and CHistoryPtr
struct room_actions is now CRoomAction and CRoomActionPtr
struct raction_timing is now CRoomActionTiming and CRoomActionTimingPtr
struct raction_oe_design is now CRoomActionOEDesign and CRoomActionOEDesignPtr
struct time_data is now CTimeData and CTimeDataPtr
struct weather_data is now CWeather and CWeatherPtr
struct damage_rooms is now CDamageRoom and CDamageRoomPtr
struct txt_block is now CTextBlock and CTextBlockPtr
struct txt_q is now CTextQueue and CTextQueuePtr
struct snoop_data is now CSnoop and CSnoopPtr
struct msg_type is now CMsg and CMsgPtr
struct message_type is now CMessage and CMessagePtr
struct message_list is now CMessageList and CMessageListPtr
struct dex_skill_type is now CDexSkill CDexSkillPtr
struct dex_app_type is now CDexApp CDexAppPtr
struct str_app_type is now CStrApp CStrAppPtr
struct wis_app_type is now CWisApp CWisAppPtr
struct int_app_type is now CIntApp CIntAppPtr
struct con_app_type is now CConApp CConAppPtr
struct LOGLIST is now CLogList CLogListPtr
struct clan_debt is now CClanDebt CClanDebtPtr
struct CGlobalClanInfo is now CGlobalClanInfoPtr
struct clan_info is now CClanInfo CClanInfoPtr
struct CLANWARINFO is now CClanWar CClanWarPtr
struct extra_descr_data is now CExtraDescr and CExtraDescrPtr
struct obj_flag_data is now CObjFlag and CObjFlagPtr
struct skill_modifier is now CSkillModifier and CSkillModifierPtr
struct obj_file_elem is now CObjFileElem and CObjFileElemPtr
struct ZONE_EXP_STRUCT is now CZoneExp and CZoneExpPtr
struct MODE_ELEMENT is now CModeElement and CModeElementPtr
struct MODE_STRUCT is now CMode and CModePtr
struct FLYING_STRUCT is now CFlying and CFlyingPtr
struct wizi_except is now CWiziExcept and CWiziExceptPtr
struct tell_block is now CTellBlock and CTellBlockPtr
struct alert_data is now CAlert and CAlertPtr
struct quest_data is now CQuest and CQuestPtr
struct specialsP_data is now CPlayerSpecials and CPlayerSpecialsPtr
struct char_player_data is now CCharPlayer and CCharPlayerPtr
struct char_ability_data is now CCharAbility and CCharAbilityPtr
struct char_point_data is now CCharPoint and CCharPointPtr
struct mobile_gossip_data is now CMobileGossip and CMobileGossipPtr
struct mobile_special_text is now CMobileSpecialText and CMobileSpecialTextPtr
struct char_special_data is now CCharSpecial and CCharSpecialPtr
struct char_skill_data is now CCharSkill and CCharSkillPtr
struct char_file_u is now CCharFileU and CCharFileUPtr
struct reset_com is now CResetCom and CResetComPtr
struct ZoneBlockStruct is now CZoneBlock and CZoneBlockPtr
struct index_data is now CIndex and CIndexPtr
struct help_index_element is now CHelpIndex and CHelpIndexPtr
struct help_multi_index_element is now CHelpMultiIndex and CHelpMultiIndexPtr
GodStruct is now CGodInfo and CGodInfoPtr