"; $bad = 1; } if ( strlen($mudaddr) < 5 ) { echo "Invalid MUD Address
"; $bad = 1; } if ( $port < 1 || $port > 65535 ) { echo "Invalid Port Number
"; $bad = 1; } if ( $bad == 1 ) { echo "Please Fill out the information correctly!

"; } else { echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "
"; $fp = fsockopen($mudaddr, $port); if ( $fp < 0 ) { switch($fp) { case -3; echo "Could not create socket, try again
"; break; case -4; echo "Invalid hostname. Check your MUD address.
"; break; case -5; echo "Could not connect to your MUD.
"; break; case -6; echo "Could not create socket, try again (6)
"; break; case -7; echo "Could not create socket, try again (7)
"; break; } echo "
\n"; exit; } echo "Successfully connected to $mudaddr:$port
"; echo "\n"; /* while ( !feof($fp) ) { $line=fgets($fp, 128); echo "$line
"; } echo ""; */ fclose($fp); echo "

\n"; echo "
Your MUD should be added to the list within 48 hours. "; echo "Please note that this process is done manually, and will depend on my free time.
"; echo "
\n"; echo ""; echo "
Reasons your MUD will not get added:
    \n"; echo "
  • Your mud is not a SMAUG MUD, or cannot be determined as such.\n"; echo "
  • Your mud is in violation of the license agreement(s) found in dist/doc/license.*\n"; echo "
  • If I cannot connect to your MUD to verify the above.\n"; echo "
\n"; echo "

Close Window

\n"; $fp = popen("/usr/sbin/sendmail -f mudlist mudlist@game.org", "w"); if ( substr($url, 0, 7) == "http://" ) { $url = substr($url, 7); } fputs($fp, "From: mudlist@game.org\n"); fputs($fp, "To: mudlist\n"); fputs($fp, "Subject: MUDLIST - ADD: $mudname\n\n"); fputs($fp, "Name: $name\n"); fputs($fp, "Alias: $alias\n"); fputs($fp, "Email: $email\n\n"); fputs($fp, "$mudname\n"); fputs($fp, "$url\n"); fputs($fp, "$mudaddr\n"); fputs($fp, "$port 0\n\n"); pclose($fp); exit; } } ?>

Please complete all the provided fields to the best of your ability. Your MUD will be added to the list within 48 hours, and you should receive an email notification.

Only submit SMAUG MUDs. All others will be rejected as this list is for SMAUG MUDs only. For all other types of MUDs please visit the MUD Connector.  Thanks.

Admin Name:

Admin Alias:

Admin Email:

MUD Name:

MUD Address:

MUD Port:

MUD Homepage:



Close Window