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Drow Warriors

News #502 posted by Kali on 12/03/04.

Drow are now capable of becoming warriors.

*takes a deep breath*

Because we have made this one change, do not expect the floodgates to open up and other race/class combinations that are currently forbidden to be added. In order for us to consider making any future changes, there will need to be an overhaul to how we handle the interplay between race and class. We are not ready to do that at this moment (or at any point in the near future). Even if we were able to hash out all the issues that we feel need addressing, we are very low on staff resources at the moment so please do not innundate us with suggestions of how we may proceed.

While this may sound cold, it is simply a matter of giving an honest perspective on where we stand. There has been discussion on the merits of allowing any race/class combination, but there has also been discussion on how implementation of that in our current system would be inadvisable and flawed. If it should ever come to pass then there will be a myriad of available combinations. However, in the present, this environment does not exist and as such this one small concession of drow warriors should not be considered an invitation to request request new race/class combinations. If we are able to work something out, we'll let you know. Thanks for your consideration and patience and enjoy the new warriors of Underdark.