Artistic Quest pt. 2

News #443 posted by Myra on 03/07/04.
|  Eligible submissions must adhere to the         |
|  following guidelines:                           |
|                                                  |
|  * Submit only original artwork of your own      |
|    creation                                      |
|  * Contain the following phrases:                |
|    "Realms of Despair"                           |
|    ""              |
|    "Endless Medieval Enjoyment"                  |
|  * Submit in either *.bmp or *.jpg format        |
|  * Submit in both 1024 x 768 and 800 x 600       |
|                                                  |
|  Be creative with your submissions and feel free |
|  to use other elements from the game to enhance  |
|  your image. They will be judged based upon the  |
|  guidelines and individual creativity by the     |
|  Immortal community.                             |
|                                                  |
|  Submit your entry to    |
|  no later than 12:00AM EST March 31, 2004.       |