
News #503 posted by Kali on 12/18/04.

Yesterday the Realms of Despair lost one of our finest. Grishnakh had been here nearly from the start and had been a facet of numerous portions of the Realms, playing as both a mortal and immortal. In tribute to Grishnakh's contributions, we are elevating him to the rank of Greater God until the New Year begins, at which point we will return him to retired status. But in lasting tribute, we have created a new deity. Though he did dwell as an elf for a long time, I think that it is most fitting that the Old Orc take his place among his old people and provide his benelovent presence there to shepherd them for as long as Realms exist. In this way his memory will live on not just in our minds and hearts, but also in a fitting manner in the game he loved. His altar can be found in Mount Krozloy and any orc may devote to him there.

Rest well old friend.

Kali, on behalf of the Council of Elders and all the Realms of Despair

Post Script : Edmond has also set up a donation fund located at He will be contacting Grishnakh's wife shortly to see whether she would like the money spent in some form of flowers for his funeral, an education fund for his son or anything else she might need at this time. We don't have a firm end at the moment, but all monies received will go towards his family. If you are able to even donate $5 to the cause, it would be appreciated. If you can not, your warm wishes and fond condolences are more than enough. Thanks.