Scars and Piercings

News #686 posted by Kinux on 08/25/07.

Bored with your description as you made it? Wish you had a cool looking scar along your back, or a pierced nose? Well, should you wish to do so, you can now use 10 glory to get one. Simply ask a level 57+ immortal for the alteration.

Note: Piercings and scars will not be visible if something is covering it, but will be visible once the item is removed. Ie. if you are wearing pants, you wont see your new leg scar unless you remove your pants. The Realms of Despair would like to thank all players for keeping their pants on, scar or not.

For a list of what can be done, please see 'HELP GLORY CHARACTER'.

In addition to 'HELP GLORY CHARACTER' we also have the new helpfile 'HELP GLORY OBJECT'. 'HELP GLORY RATES' has also been updated. Use in good health.