Code Updates

News #703 posted by Kinux on 12/12/07.

The following code adjustments have recently been made:

Should you wish to be reminded to vote, an optional topmudsites vote reminder has been set up utilizing config +/- vote. Thanks to Meekon for the code.

When you auction or ID an item that is gloried, the name of the glory tag will show. Thanks to Meekon for the code.

Sea-elves have now discovered that 'Teal' makes for a funky hair colour. Thanks to Sebine for the idea and Meekon for the code.

Utilizing the command 'house changelock', for a nominal fee house owners will now be able to change their key. Old keys will be destroyed. Thanks to Meekon for the code.

It is no longer possible for a mob to steal from you during a fight. Thanks to Abriman for the idea and Meekon for the code.

If you quaff an empty flask, the room will now see an echo. Thanks to Tricops for the code.

When a drunk character speaks, everyone in the room will see him say the same thing now. Idea by Gauther, code by Meekon.