2009 RoD Awards, Pixie war, Duke Luther silent on economy

/ Issue 135 - February-March 2009  \__________________________________

 This Month's Special:
   Valentine's 2009                      - Romani     CRY2-3
   On Guilds, with Destre                - Nevarak    CRY4-9

 Monthly Article      
   Roleplaying With Fire
             Writing Descriptive Text    - Alessio    CRY10-CRY15

   Order News
     Order of Sanctus Irae               - Alessio    CRY16-CRY17

   Nation News
     Uruk'hai                            - Klaatu     CRY18
     Ilythiiri                           - Alzeria    CRY19
     Khazad                              - Stoneheft  CRY20
     Quendi                              - Annale     CRY21
     Olog'hai                            - Leala      CRY22
     Tyrrhenu	                           - Farlina    CRY23
     Elohai                              - Stela      CRY24
     Dunedain                            - Yoshio     CRY26
     Voice of the Rukhas                 - Vokith     CRY27-CRY29

   TS News                               - Akael      CRY30 

   Quest News
     January CoD Quest Results           - Falennt    CRY31       
     February CoD Quest                  - Falennt    CRY32 

    Announcements and Advertisements
    Valentine Poem Quest 1               - Falennt    CRY 
    Reunion 2009                        
           RoD's 15th Year Reunion       - Romani      CRY26-CRY27
           15th Reunion Logo Contest     - Romani      CRY
    Desktop Wallpaper Contest            - Romani      CRY28-CRY34

    Cry of Despair Staff
    Vache's Column                       - Vache      CRY
    Ask COE                                           CRY36
    Wanted - DEAD                                     CRY37  
    Letter from the Editor                            CRY38
    From Falennt's Inkwell                            CRY39


/ Valentine's 2009 \________________________________________________________

          ......       ......
        .:oOOOOo:.   .:oOOOOo:.
      .:oOO:'':Oo:. .:oO:'':OOo:.   Valentine's Quest 2009
     .:oO:'    ':Oo:oO:'    ':Oo:.
     :oO:        ':O:'        :Oo:  Find the match of your 
     :oO:          '          :Oo:  dreams for Valentine's
     ':oO:    Valentine's    :Oo:'  day. Have fun and meet
      ':oO:      2009       :Oo:'   players from other walks
        ':oO.             .Oo:'     of life on RoD. 
          ':oO.         .Oo:'
            ':oO.     .Oo:'         Fill out the simple 
              ':oO. .Oo:'           questionnaire and submit
                'oO:Oo'             it by February 10th at 
                 'oOo'              midnight mudtime to enter.

Submit entries via mudmail to Romani or Bulgroth (See HELP MUDMAIL)
Mail your entries in the post office in Darkhaven no later
than February 10th at midnight mudtime.
                                                                     Page: 02

/ Valentine's 2009 \________________________________________________________

1. Would you prefer your Valentine to wear Leather or Lace?
2. Do you like the Lights on or off?
3. Do you wish your Valentine to be Male/Female/It?
4. Should your Valentine be Peaceful, Pkill or a Bot?
5. Are you a Lover, fighter, RPer?
6. As a pet on RoD would you prefer a nice steed or a pesky gremlin?
7. Would you prefer to give/receive a long black leather coat, or a pink lace
8. For a dinner with your dream date would you prefer wine and dine or beer
and chips?
9. For your Valentine's Date would you like to explore the far reaches of the
lands or spend a quiet evening surrounded by other friends at recall?
10.Write a short love letter to your date explaining why they should chose you
above all the men/women/its on RoD: 
Mudmail your responses to Romani or Bulgroth no later than midnight on 
February 10th at midnight (mudtime) to Romani
                                                                     Page: &03


/ Valentine's 2009 \________________________________________________________

Congratulations on those that took the time to enter Valentine's Day 
Quest 2009. Below are the top three male and female entries. Please see
Romani for your prize. 
To all those that entered keep in mind that your matches may have different 
matches of their own. Have a wonderful Valentine's Day.
omani & Bulgroth
                                                                     Page: 39


/ Reunion 2009 - Romani \_____________________________________________________
         R  E  A  L  M  S     O F     D  E  S  P  A  I  R
              F I F T E E N T H     A N N I V E R S A R Y
@@@@@@@   @@@@@@@@  @@@  @@@  @@@  @@@  @@@   @@@@@@   @@@  @@@  
@@@@@@@@  @@@@@@@@  @@@  @@@  @@@@ @@@  @@@  @@@@@@@@  @@@@ @@@  
@@!  @@@  @@!       @@!  @@@  @@!@!@@@  @@!  @@!  @@@  @@!@!@@@  
!@!  @!@  !@!       !@!  @!@  !@!!@!@!  !@!  !@!  @!@  !@!!@!@!  
@!@!!@!   @!!!:!    @!@  !@!  @!@ !!@!  !!@  @!@  !@!  @!@ !!@!  
!!@!@!    !!!!!:    !@!  !!!  !@!  !!!  !!!  !@!  !!!  !@!  !!!  
!!: :!!   !!:       !!:  !!!  !!:  !!!  !!:  !!:  !!!  !!:  !!!  
:!:  !:!  :!:       :!:  !:!  :!:  !:!  :!:  :!:  !:!  :!:  !:!  
::   :::   :: ::::  ::::: ::   ::   ::   ::  ::::: ::   ::   ::  
 :   : :  : :: ::    : :  :   ::    :   :     : :  :   ::    :   
                           Reunion 2009

It is coming faster than you think. Dates and details to come
soon for the 15th Annual RoD Reunion. Come and help celebrate 
15 years of mudding fun. 

See also: Help Reunion Hotels, Help Reunion Committee
          Help Reunion Directions, Help Reunion Events, Help Reunion Travel,
          Help Reunion Camping, Help Reunion Auction, Help Reunion Donations.
                                                                     Page: 02


/ RP With Fire - Alessio \____________________________________________________

                          Roleplaying With
                 @@@@@@@@ @@@ @@@@@@@  @@@@@@@@  @@@
                 @@!      @@! @@!  @@@ @@!       @@@
                 @!!!:!   !!@ @!@!!@!  @!!!:!    !@!
                 !!:      !!: !!: :!!  !!:         
                  :       :    :   : : : :: :::  :.:
               Volume Four: How to Build a (Story) Arc
  Now that we have dealt with the elements of character building,
the many aspects of roleplay scenes, and the effective writing of
emotes and oemotes, it seems proper to further this series by
addressing the culmination of all three of these elements: the
plot, or story arc.
  While many players prefer spontaneous roleplay, with its hassle-
free, no-string-attached approach, there are also a large number of
people in the Realms roleplay community who enjoy a storyline
through which they may develop their own characters while advancing
the overall story of the world in general.
  These storylines (or plots) are the lifeblood of Realms roleplay,
stringing together any number of scenes into a cohesive string of
events from which the players may take any number of experiences
and apply them to the overall development of his or her character.
  In this volume of Roleplaying With Fire, I will address the

                                                                     Page: 03


/ RP With Fire 2     \________________________________________________________

intricacies of plotting within the Realms of Despair roleplaying
community: casting, setting, logging, and so forth.
  So without further ado, let us begin!
                        Part I: Initial Planning
  It should come as no surprise that the initial phase of development
for a plot is, well... plotting.
  As with any storyline, you will need a number of elements to make
others interested in what you have in store:
               1) A general premise: what is going to happen
                  that is so worth talking about? 
               2) A protagonist and an antagonist: who will be
                  the main character(s) of your story, and why?
               3) A setting: Where will it happen?
  It seems pretty evident that the answer for number three is 'The
Realms of Despair,' but Despair is a pretty big place. Be a bit
more specific: will it happen within a nation? Or how about Darkhaven?
What is the scope of the plot? Will it involve multiple locations?
  Keep in mind that, if you plan to involve a specific organization,
you should probably consult with the leader of that group beforehand.
This is seen as common courtesy, and you will likely find that said
leader is more than willing to co-operate, if you are reasonable and
explain your idea in clear terms.
                                                                     Page: 04


/ RP With Fire 3     \________________________________________________________

  The major roles should be filled as soon as is possible. It should
generally be understood that a plot should not be attempted with any
fewer than three people, though the more involved, the healthier it
may be -- within reason. Too many chefs can spoil the broth just
as easily as too few.
                        Part II: Casting the Plot
  The casting of roles can be just as important as those fundamentals
which we have spoken about. As I have previously stated, characters
are the flesh and blood of the roleplaying community: without them,
there would be no stories to tell.
  In general, one player should not play all or most of the major roles
within the story. This not only removes any element of unpredicatability
from the plot, but it also makes those other players who are involved
feel small and it can ruin the experience for everybody.
  Try to cast the other key roles with other players, whenever possible.
Obviously, this can become difficult when there are more roles than
players. In this case, fill in the gaps with alternates or NPCs, and make
those characters available to all, with the understanding that story
development needs to stick to the original plan as much as possible,
to progress toward the end goal.
  It is highly recommended that the players who are given major roles
are dependable: they are not likely to leave you hanging in the middle
of a plot, or to drag OOC happenings into the IC world.

                                                                     Page: 05


/ RP With Fire 4     \________________________________________________________

  Many good plots have been ruined or damaged by inactivity or
outside drama. It is recommended that you avoid this entirely by
avoiding the casting of unreliable players in major parts.
                       Part III: Setting the Plot
  So, you have your characters, you have your chain of events, and
you have an idea of where the story will unfold. That's good! Now comes
the real fun part.
  To properly set a plot, you need to have some understanding of the
place in which it will occur. This means research.
  A great place to start, if you are basing the plot off of an existing
area, is the area itself. Walk around it a few times, and get a feel for
it by reading the room descriptions, checking out the mobs and items,
and etcetera. Familiarize yourself with the environment in which your
events will unfold.
  Then, try to find out if anything has happened in this area in the
past, RP wise. If you can find logs of that roleplay, that would be
great. Often, however, you have to go by word of mouth. So ask around.
  If the roleplay is based in a nation, check with past leaders (if
possible), and with the Nations Advisor, to see what all has happened
there in the recent and distant past. It never hurts to know these
  Other people to consult: the area creator (if possible), and other
roleplayers, of course!

                                                                     Page: 06


/ RP With Fire 5     \________________________________________________________

                        Part IV: Recording the Story
  It can be ridiculously fun to play out a roleplay plot. But at the
end of the day, when you're trying to work out what all has happened
with your character and where to go next, you'll find a well-archived
packet of logs to be a nearly indisposable resource.
  There are many schools of thought on logging, but the common consensus
seems to be that there's no harm in doing it. While many clients seem
to have built-in logging capabilities, some prefer to do it while involved
in the roleplay, by copying and pasting into Microsoft Word, Notepad, or
some other program.
  Whatever way you see fit to do it, logging can never hurt. Whether as
a reference for character development, or just to share with your fellow
roleplayers and the rest of the Realms, or to store for later reading
(either as a means of entertainment or to track your own progress as a
roleplayer), logs can be very valuable tools.
  Throughout the course of this edition of Roleplaying With Fire, I
have attempted to tackle the various aspects of plotting a story arc.
  I hope that you, the reader, find some useful tips within these
pages. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to contact me
via tell (if I'm online) or MUDmail (if I'm not), and I will be more
than happy to answer them for you.
  Have a happy January, and check back next month!

                                                                     Page: 07


/ Guild of Clerics - Indira \_________________________________________________

                             Greetings everyone!
The Guild of Clerics would like to officially welcome two new members!
                             Klare & Sirrion
If you would like to join us, please refer to the other page for info!
           We hope you had wonderful holidays and we wish you all:
                              HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

                                                                     Page: 08


/ Guild of Clerics 2 \________________________________________________________

                                   Join us!
If you would like to join the Guild of Clerics, just jot down the following:
Requirements: Level 15+
Directions:   NW, 2W, 2N, E from [] 
Webpage:      perdaea.com/dirtycarrot.html
Once you read the guide (retrieved in "The Clock Chamber" by saying "guide",
you can contact anyone with "CoC or CoC-T" in their title or a leader to 
request an interview! 
We hope you have a great January, please feel free to come by or send us a tell
if you have any questions, concerns or just would like to chat!
Regards, Haviland (Guild Master), Indira (First) Torianne (Second)

                                                                     Page: 09


/ Sanctus Irae - Alessio \____________________________________________________

The New Year yields many changes for the City of Lions.
With the rightful Marquis of Sanctus Irae, Alessio di Rossetti,
still missing and nothing but rumors to suggest where he may be,
Trademeister Jurevicus Galilee has been only too willing to
assume the mantle of leadership in his absence.
Dubbing himself the Interim Marquis, Galilee's eagerness to
replace Alessio has spawned many conspiracies about the true
whereabouts of the rightful ruler of Irae.
Meanwhile, the hard winter that had been predicted by the
Trademeister continues into its second month. The city, buried
as it is with inner turmoil and the thick sheet of snow that
has fallen upon it, struggles to survive.
Merchants continue to eke out whatever living they may, though
the import of new material and merchandise becomes increasingly
difficult and the tourism of old begins to fade.
Brigands and vagabonds of all stripes and allegiances have taken
to the streets, engaging in open acts of violence and thievery
previously unseen within the walls of Irae. And the once-vigilant
guard continues to fall into chaos and disrepair with the absence

                                                                     Page: 10


/ Sanctus Irae 2     \________________________________________________________

previously unseen within the walls of Irae. And the once-vigilant
guard continues to fall into chaos and disrepair with the absence
of a proper leader.
Disregarding these many problems, Jurevicus Galilee has extended
an open invitation to any refugees of the war between the Free
Peoples of the Realms and dissenting nations, insistent that Irae
will stand as a free port of trade and sanctuary for those left
without their rightful homes.
What new treacheries will surface within the City of Lions? Will
the strong arm of law be restored, or will skulldiggery continue
to run rampant within her four walls? Will the cold bite of a
harsh winter relent, or will the elements stubbornly persist in
their assault on the city? Only time may tell...

                                                                     Page: 11


/ DragonSlayer Pride     \____________________________________________________

Avatar          Brimstone.       ______(____    {IC} (Dragonslayer)
Avatar          Brimsteve.      (___________)        (Dragonslayer)
Avatar          Steveo.          /         \         (Dragonslayer)
Avatar          Dunlop.         /    THE    \        (Dragonslayer)
Avatar          Kixel.         |   BREWERY   |       (Dragonslayer)
Avatar          Kixal.     ____\             /____   (Dragonslayer)
Avatar          Kixil.    ()____'.__     __.'____()  (Dragonslayer)
Avatar          Ardeth.        .'` .'```'. `-.       (Dragonslayer)
Avatar          Camaxtli.     ().'`       `'.()      (Dragonslayer)
Avatar          Stryder.  --  -- --  --  --  --  --  (Dragonslayer)

                                                                     Page: 12


/ Uruk'hai News - Klaatu \____________________________________________________

From the Opallinoc News Bureau:
Dateline Opallinoc - Restricted News
The Uruk'hai, as part of the Free Peoples, have limited news releases to keep
mobilization information from the general populace. News items will need the
approval of the Tribal Council before being sent to the News Bureau.
Dateline Northern Plains - Inahir Protectorate
The Inahir Protectorate of the Uruk'hai, in the Northern Plains, has begun
herding their eltor beasts closer to the Camp. Inahir warriors, led by the
Huntress herself, have been seen moving the beasts. The corral in the camp has
been expanded to accomodate the additional numbers. 
Dateline Opallinoc - Solstice Fest
The winter Solstice Fest was somewhat subdued this year. Free Peoples agents
were in attendance making observations. Meeka's swill was in big demand
throughout the Fest. Songs of legendary Uruk'hai were sung at the Bonfire.
Dateline Darkhaven - Duke Luther / Mayor Noran Mul silent
The silence of Duke Luther over the rise of the Free Peoples has a number of
merchants in Darkhaven worried. Prices for commodities are fluctuating. An
increase in the price of ale has a number of races grumbling about economy.
Darkhaven Mayor, Noran Mul, has also had no commentary on developments and
has been seen in the gaming parlors above the Grim Smile more than his office.

                                                                     Page: 13


/ Ilythiiri - Alzeria\________________________________________________________

A Cry in the (Under)Dark
All was not well in the Underdark and the meager population of Iniquity began
growing restless. Rumors grew and spread in the more fearless circles  rather
the circles where they thought the Valsharess could not hear...rumors that no
drow but the boldest of the dissidents-followers of Vhaerun- would dare speak
aloud. These rumors spoke of a silence unlike any before except one...
If Lloth was silent, not of her own chaotic free-will, but because of attack,
it would be enough to make the city vulnerable. Certainly an inopportune time
for such things, considering events on the surface and a proclamation stating
that the Valsharess had ruled that the Drow Nation would opt to join those of
the surface who were resisting, rather than lower themselves to scrape before
some undead, troll-bait pixie or their own hated, pale-skinned 'cousins'.
A new look was on the young Valsharess's face when she made this announcement
to the people of the Underdark. Some speculations were made as to what it was
that was different --some thought that she had spent too much time at Lloth's
altar sacrificing, others thought perhaps a strange vision had changed her to
some degree or another, and still others thought that the glow the Valsharess
had was indicative that she was with child--much to the amusement to those of
the Veldrin'Velve that knew the Queen had kept largely isolated in prayer for
the past months. Yet...something -had- changed, and more surely would change.

                                                                     Page: 14


/ Khazad News - Stoneheft  \__________________________________________________

War has been declared. The pixies have actually declared war against us.
Not only us. The damned insect people have accepted the surrendur of the
elven nation and declared war on all others. I know it sounds funny, but
it is not a joke. I suggest wearing a helmet and braiding your beards so
that the nasty little bugs don't get all tangled up and irritating while
they have their tirade.
This probably will not be a proper war where we can march against their
inferior armies, kill them and come home to celebrate. I have noticed in
my meeting with their Doom King Vermicio that they rely on their charisma
to take what they are after. They will try to beguile us with their pixie
charm and make us feel comfortable in opening our doors to them. Well do
not be fooled. Just because they will not fight bravely does not mean that
we can not vanquish them bravely. Trust no one! If a pixie tells you that
it comes in peace, that is sure proof that it is trying to make you feel
at ease so that it can use its magics on you and turn you against your
Watch the skys! Take up your axes, swords, hammers and fly-swatters!
Better safe than sorry. Wear long sleeves, they might bite when excited.
Stoneheft Gemstone, Khazad Prince

                                                                     Page: 15


/ Quendi News - Annale \_______________________________________________________

Quendi join the Free Peoples of the Realms
After a brief battle, the Quendi people have joined the Free Peoples of the
Realms, lead by King Vermicio.  Arms have been laid down and all resources
have been pledged to his aid. Life upon the Island continues as usual, with
only minor adjustments as set out in the Contract of the Free Peoples of the
Tari Annale betrothed
The Quendi people congratulate Tari Annale and King Vermicio on their recent
engagement.  Little information surrounding the engagement has been released
nor has the date of the wedding been set.
Happy New Year!
A festive and happy New Year to all! May it be spent in good company and in
good cheer!

                                                                     Page: 16


/ Voice of the Rukhas - Vokith  \_____________________________________________

       ____   ____    .__                       _____
       \   \ /   /___ |__| ____  ____     _____/ ____\
        \   Y   /  _ \|  |/ ___\/ __ \   /  _ \   __\
         \     (  <_> )  \  \__\  ___/  (  <_> )  |  
         \___/ \____/|__|\___  >___  >  \____/|__|  
                              \/    \/               
                      __  .__           
                    _/  |_|  |__   ____ 
                    \   __\  |  \_/ __ \
                     |  | |   Y  \  ___/
                     |__| |___|  /\___  >
                               \/     \/
        __________       __   .__                  
        \______   \__ __|  | _|  |__ _____    ______
         |       _/  |  \  |/ /  |  \\__  \  /  ___/
         |    |   \  |  /    <|   Y  \/ __ \_\___ \
         |____|_  /____/|__|_ \___|  (____  /____  >
                \/           \/    \/     \/     \/
||First Week         ---------------           Month of Liberation||

                                                                     Page: 17


/ Voice of the Rukhas 2 \_____________________________________________________
|                 We've been fooled: Revolutionary                 |
|                                                                  |
| It has been a little over two weeks since High Chieftain Vokith  |
|Drah'zi's controversial 'Necessary Sacrifices' speech, and former |
|Rukhas Revolutionary Army Leader Brukh Ironhand has finally issued|
|a statement.                                                      |
| The two page letter, written on cured elfskin, claims that the   |
|people of Krozloy were fooled, and that Vokith Drah'zi has sold   |
|the half-orc race over to another dictator.                       |
| "Vokith Drah'zi is elfblood scum!" claims the letter. "He took   |
|us from under the boot of one cruel master, only to surrender us  |
|to another. Never have I seen such cowardly action from the High  |
|Chieftain of our people. He should be removed at once!"           |
| Meanwhile, loyalists like eldest-orc Warchief Threnkth continue  |
|to tow the line: "Vokith Drah'zi has only done what is necessary  |
|to ensure the future of our race. Vermicio represented a clear    |
|threat to our already unstable government."                       | 
|             Branding Unacceptable, claims Tanskin                |
| A branding station was overrun and destroyed by a tanskin mob    |
|early this week after operatives sought out, captured, and branded|
|a number of Rukhas children.                                      |
| "This branding is wrong," barked the leader of the mob as his    |
|people burnt it to the ground. "It is what we would expect from   |

                                                                     Page: 18


/ Voice of the Rukhas 3 \_____________________________________________________

|Bonehewer the Brutal, not Vokith. This branding is wrong!"        |
| When asked to comment, the High Chieftain said only that it is   |
|a 'necessary sacrifice' that all Rukhas'dul will have to make.    |
| "I'm doing this for the Rukhas," Vokith said, "we will all make  |
|a necessary sacrifice, for our survival. It is the way of things."|
                                                                     Page: 19


/ The Symposium News - Akael  \_______________________________________________

TS news from December 2008
Passed by TS
- Alternative Gash Proposal
- Gash Extension
- Modification to Dispel Magic
- Autodeletion Reminder Emails
- Emergency Passwords
Passed by Liaisons
- Using Smoking items in "Hold" position
- Thief Professions
         For older TS news, visit http://ts.silverwolf-den.com
See also: Help TS, Help TSinfo

                                                                     Page: 20


/ December COD Results - Falennt \____________________________________________

Not included in this online issue.

                                                                     Page: 21

/ January COD Quest - Falennt \______________________________________________

Not included in this online issue.

                                                                     Page: 22

/ Elven Nation Quest - Creemore \_____________________________________________

                       Elf Nation Quest!
The Elf Nation held a Poker Run Quest Sun Dec 28th
10 players took part, rushing about the realms
searching out the 7 Dealers. 
 The top 3 winners     Hand           Prize
         Bolotomus     three 7s       Av Thief
         Wysper        pair Aces      Av Cleric
         Iohan         pair Jacks     Av Barbarian
 Many Thanks to Romani for taking time during the
holidays, to help us run this Quest and supplying us
with the dealers.
 The Elf Nation will be looking at hosting more quests,
runs, and games in the near future.
Creemore Springs and Annale Firestorm

                                                                     Page: 23


/ COD Funny Pages    \________________________________________________________


Ceirana> my forgiveness to those of you who are actually blond
Ceirana> What did the blonde say when she opened the box of cheerios? 
(51) Kinux> does toe-hair count?
Ceirana> Look, donut seeds!
Romani> Kinux has blonde toe hair?
Calin> ...

Cranker: Ceirana supports the beating of women :(
Ceirana: I guess if anyone was allowed to be cranky...
Canker: I am that as well
Ceirana: oh look, a sore!
Qaulorn: Err... not what you want to hear a chick say.
Canker: I seem to have lost my R :(
Canker: Anyone seen it?
Canker: I swore i just had it...
Wanker: Perhaps, I'll go check.
Wanker: <--- its incredibly big over here
Ceirana: funny how one little letter can change a word.
Cranker: It is

Romani snorts in disgust.
Romani says 'My cat just scanned and printed her butt'

                                                                     Page: 24


/ Silly Titles - Romani \_____________________________________________________

Title fun...
Gauthyr: If they let me code, I wouldn't complain as much. 
Ceirana: If we let him code, everyone would complain more. (Ascendere) 
           [Council of Elders]
Honemakmiut Belforte: It means 'snowflake' in Inuit.. okay? is hovering here.
Treenpix refuses to prove that she exists. (Ascendere)
Hurey is passive-aggressive. (Ringbearers)
Gawen Ael'ir: Against fire and bombs through the roof. (Number One, Arcanes)
Folio blame is for God and little children.  Darkfaith.. (Ringbearers)

                                                                     Page: 25


/ 9th Realms of Despair Awards \______________________________________________
          ......       ......
        .:oOOOOo:.   .:oOOOOo:.
      .:oOO:'':Oo:. .:oO:'':OOo:.   Valentine's Quest 2009
     .:oO:'    ':Oo:oO:'    ':Oo:.
     :oO:        ':O:'        :Oo:  Find the match of your 
     :oO:          '          :Oo:  dreams for Valentine's
     ':oO:    Valentine's    :Oo:'  day. Have fun and meet
      ':oO:      2009       :Oo:'   players from other walks
        ':oO.             .Oo:'     of life on RoD. 
          ':oO.         .Oo:'
            ':oO.     .Oo:'         Fill out the simple 
              ':oO. .Oo:'           questionnaire and submit
                'oO:Oo'             it by February 10th at 
                 'oOo'              midnight mudtime to enter.

Submit entries via mudmail to Romani and Bulgroth (See HELP MUDMAIL)
Mail your entries in the post office in Darkhaven no later
than February 10th at midnight mudtime.
                                                                     Page: 26


/ RoD Awards 2  \_____________________________________________________________

1. Would you prefer your Valentine to wear Leather or Lace?
2. Do you like the Lights on or off?
3. Do you wish your Valentine to be Male/Female/It?
4. Should your Valentine be Peaceful, Pkill or a Bot?
5. Are you a Lover, fighter, RPer?
6. As a pet on RoD would you prefer a nice steed or a pesky gremlin?
7. Would you prefer to give/receive a long black leather coat, or a pink lace
8. For a dinner with your dream date would you prefer wine and dine or beer
and chips?
9. For your Valentine's Date would you like to explore the far reaches of the
lands or spend a quiet evening surrounded by other friends at recall?
10.Write a short love letter to your date explaining why they should chose you
above all the men/women/its on RoD: 
Mudmail your responses to Romani or Bulgroth no later than midnight on 
February 10th at midnight (mudtime) to Romani

                                                                     Page: 27


/ RoD Awards 1  \_____________________________________________________________

Congratulations to all the 2009 RoD Award winners from the HA and CRY staff!

1. Best Male Immortal
Kinux, Conran, Stoneheft

2. Best Female Immortal
Destre, Romani, Ceirana

3. Best Male Roleplayer
Vermicio, Yoshio, Miyaki

4. Best Female Roleplayer
Annale, Talisha, Nariel

5. Best RoD Couple
Grunthos and Loril, Petrograd and Babui, Ciska and Jethren
Honorable mention: Odessyus and Calin

6. Best "New change" to Realms
New Solace Housing, Path of Murder for mages, Sects

7. Worst "New change" to Realms
Sects, No Cleric Paths yet, Removing "recall" from sect commands

8. Best Guild
Guild of Clerics, Guild of Mages, Guild of Nephandi

                                                                     Page: 28


/ RoD Awards 2  \_____________________________________________________________

9. Best Order
Ascendere, Dragonslayer, Baali

10. Best Clan
Maleficae, Feralis, Catarrh

11. Best Area
Nevermore, Otherland, Valley of Crucifixion 

12. Best Nation
Pixie, Half-Elves, Human

13. Best Food Item
BBQ Chicken Wings
Reindeer Poop
 steaming plate of mashed potatoes and gravy. 

14. Best Drink Item
Beer, Guinness, A glass of blue oasis

15. Best "Treasure" Item
Which is the most prized treasure of the land? 

                                                                     Page: 29


/ RoD Awards 3  \_____________________________________________________________

16. Most Likely to DT
Vermicio, Malkatov, Jimothy

17. Best Dressed
Petrograd, Korith, Meldrew

18. Most Likely to be Balzhured
Vache, Kox, Chyort

19. Best Object Rename
Oblivious (Kekoz), Silence through Perfection (unknown), 
Perfection through Silence (Vermicio)

20. Best Social
grin, innocence, salt

21. Best Male Player
Petrograd, Owyn, Raistlin

                                                                     Page: 30


/ RoD Awards 4  \_____________________________________________________________

22. Best Female Player
Foxarius, Annale, Mephie

23. Most likely to get illegally PKilled
Jimothy, Nariel, Vache

24. Most likely to be the one to illegally PKill them
Qaulorn, Kali, Stoneheft

25. Most charismatic deadly
Vermicio, Geothe, Kox

26. Most charismatic peaceful
Babui, Alex, Owyn/Raistlyn

27. Most interesting help file
Barbarian Help files, Answers4, "me I am a moron"

                                                                 Page: 31


/ RoD Awards 5  \_____________________________________________________________

28. Most interesting room
Darkhaven Square, Edel Long Table

29. Best Runner
Meldrew, Foxarius, Raistlin

30. Best explorer
Petrograd, Foxarious, Meldrew

31. Next-to-Imm
Raistlin, Annale, Owyn

32. Most eligible Bachelor
Owyn, Conran

33. Most eligible bachelorette
Annale, Romani

                                                                     Page: 32


/ RoD Awards 6  \_____________________________________________________________

34. Funniest person
Owyn, Stoneheft, Anya

35. Ugliest Player Name
Honemakmiut, Ugliah, Drulialirica

36. Nicest Player Name
Owyn, Sunfall, Lina

37. Best Vocalist
Arlo, Hurley

38. Channel Soloist
Tonitrus, Kox, Menta

39. Most Dedicated Leader
Foxarius, Aleq, Rathmonicus

40. Best Quest of 2008
The entire Pacman Quest, Dragon-Taming, 

                                                                     Page: 33


/ RoD Awards 7  \_____________________________________________________________

41. Most Frequent to X-Chan
Loril, Ceirana, Exchan(Excane)

42. Most Likely To End Up With QWERTY On Their Forehead
Vache, Chyort, Miguel

43. Living Bot
Qaulorn, Alihan, Chyort

44. Most Frightening Immortal
Calin, Loril, Romani

45. Most Frightening Player
Miyaki, Raistlin, Cyril/Qaulorn

                                                                     Page: 34


/ CRY Writers Wanted \________________________________________________________
 _____ _______     __         __   _____                        _     
/ ____|  __ \ \   / /        / _| |  __ \                      (_)    
| |    | |__) \ \_/ /    ___ | |_  | |  | | ___  ___ _ __   __ _ _ _ __
| |    |  _  / \   /    / _ \|  _| | |  | |/ _ \/ __| '_ \ / _` | | '__|
| |____| | \ \  | |    | (_) | |   | |__| |  __/\__ \ |_) | (_| | | |  
\_____|_|  \_\ |_|     \___/|_|   |_____/ \___||___/ .__/ \__,_|_|_|  
                                                     | |                  

 _       _             _    _                __          
(_)     | |           | |  (_)              / _|         
 _ ___  | | ___   ___ | | ___ _ __   __ _  | |_ ___  _ __
| / __| | |/ _ \ / _ \| |/ / | '_ \ / _` | |  _/ _ \| '__|
| \__ \ | | (_) | (_) |   <| | | | | (_| | | || (_) | |  
|_|___/ |_|\___/ \___/|_|\_\_|_| |_|\__, | |_| \___/|_|  
                                     __/ |               

                                     _ _               
                                    (_) |              
 _ __   _____      __ __      ___ __ _| |_ ___ _ __ ___
| '_ \ / _ \ \ /\ / / \ \ /\ / / '__| | __/ _ \ '__/ __|
| | | |  __/\ V  V /   \ V  V /| |  | | ||  __/ |  \__ \
|_| |_|\___| \_/\_/     \_/\_/ |_|  |_|\__\___|_|  |___/ 

For more information, seek out the Cry of Despair board in the Darkhaven
Townhall, Fourth Floor, West exit from the stairs. (look map if you get lost) 

                                                                     Page: 35


/ ASK COE            \________________________________________________________


           ###     ######  ##    ##     ######   #######  ########
          ## ##   ##    ## ##   ##     ##    ## ##     ## ##
         ##   ##  ##       ##  ##      ##       ##     ## ##
        ##     ## ######   #####       ##       ##     ## ######
        #########       ## ##  ##      ##       ##     ## ##
        ##     ## ##    ## ##   ##     ##    ## ##     ## ##
        ##     ##  ######  ##    ##     ######   #######  ######## 

  If you had a chance to ask the Council of Elders something about
  gameplay, what would you ask?
  Do you want to know when we are going to have pasta somewhere?
  Do you want to know why thief mobs only keep a percentage of what
  they steal?
  Or do you want to know something else?! If so, mudmail Falennt or Linda with
  your questions today! 

                                                                     Page: 36


/ WANTED ... Dead!   \________________________________________________________

  |                     ___  __  _        /
   |    |   |  /\  |\  |  |  |   | \      |    
   |    | x | :__: | \ |  |  |-  |  ;     |     The CoD Staff
   |    |/ \| |  | |  \|  |  |__ |_/      |     invites any deadly
   |                                      |     to post a bounty on
   |    /""""""""""""""""""""""""""\      |     another deadly.
   |    |     :   ,''"((") |       |      |    
   |    |     |  /         |       |      |     You set the bounty
   |    |     ,-: .*"    "*;       |      |     and the number of 
   |    |     ;    (o)  (o)|       |      |     bounties you are
   |    |     `-.      ,   |       |      |     prepared to pay and
   |    |       :     ___  '       |      |     Falennt    
   |    |       |`.   -   /        |      |     can collect the  
   |    |     _.:  `-.__.'         |      |     skived skin of your 
   |    | ,-"'"  `-.__.-''*-._     |      |     target from bounty 
   |    .-----------DEAD-----------.      |     hunters. You may also
   |    _   __              _   _         |     share your reasons
   |   | \ |   |   |   /\  | \ | \        |     for wanting the target
   |   |_/ |-  | x |  :__: |_/ |  ;       |     dead.
   |   | \ |__ |/ \|  |  | | \ |_/        |     The cost of this
   |______________________________________|     service is 1 million
0=(________________________________________)=0  gold coins. The Cry of
                                                Despair may also award
                                                successful bounty hunters
                                                with additional gold!
(Thank you Romani for the Ascii art) 

                                                                     Page: 37


/ CRY Editor Wanted  \________________________________________________________
Letter from the Editor 

Currently the Immortal Sponsors are looking for a new editor.  If you are
interested then please write a short note saying why you would like the
position.  Please include your normal online times so that the immortals can
interview you. 

Thanks in advance for your interest. 

                                                                     Page: 38