Tagerte's Conveyance

News #997 posted by Kinux on 12/31/13.

While his ghost still haunts the Realm, few remember the powerful work of the
mage known as Tagetarle. Destroyed during the Shattering, and no heir to take
up his work, his deeds faded out of memory and into the stuff of legend.

In the years since the Shattering, the nephew and namesake of Tagetarle has
studied his uncle's many tomes on the subject of magical transportation. While
not as powerful in the magical arts, Tagerte's drive and determination have
finally paid off and he has decided to open a store in New Darkhaven to
provide transportation services once more to the citizens of the Realm.

Currently these services are only offered to specific areas and only for those
level 25 and under. Tagerte's services are nominally priced and include a
return ticket back to safety, should one need it.

Many thanks to Merit for his winning submission in the store contest we held,
and to Stoneheft and Loril for putting idea into reality.

The new store may be found in DH, three east and one north of the Vertic
Avenue Crossroad.